Thursday, November 25, 2010

Out into the World

I had discovered WORLD CHAT.
This was a place everyone on the server could "talk" to one another. But there was a price. You had to have "speakers". You had to win them or buy them. And I had won alot of them (there was another way, but if you don't play, you won't understand). There was really only one server that I exercised my right to free speech. Most of the time, people wasted these speakers trash talking each other (see my note The IQ Test - this is where the classless and ignorant apply). I had better ways of putting them to good use. I had the ability to harrass and harangue the WHOLE server! And dammit, I was good at it! I liked to tease and bother friends in other alliances. I could sit and wait for the right opportunity to slide the rightly worded jab and then sit back and watch the fireworks explode. And boy, oh boy, did it.

After awhile and a server merge (FRESH MEAT!) I was becoming known to A LOT of people. Some of the guys would just curl up into a virtual fetal position and cry when I would get on a roll (I was called vicious by a couple - but everyone else just laughed). It was the ones that would fight back that made for truly spectacular entertainment. There was one in particular that made this an almost daily battle. The two of us could go at it verbally for hours and never skip a beat. Back and forth the insults and jabs would fly, and the encouragement from others would spur us on to more and more. At one point we both ran out of speakers and had to resort to using other accounts other than our own. We changed up our story a bit and let it rip. We both loved an audience and the whole server was entertained when we started our "fights". Sadly, he found a real life and left the game too.  I haven't had a decent verbal sparring match with anyone since then.

Being kinda new to the gaming world, I never realized how naive I could be. I had begun to get "followers". Now there is nothing wrong with being a personality in the game. I rather enjoyed the notariety of being one. I just needed to be careful what kind of personal info I gave out. Everyone knew I lived on an iceberg in an igloo in the Great White North (Canada) but somewhere along the way I mentioned what the name of the bar was that I worked at, in alliance chat.
If you add EVONY friends to your facebook, do not to let them have full access to all your personal info, like where you work and what city and country you live in. You might end up with unexpected visitors. I did. There is nothing worse than being "surprised" by someone that hasn't a clue what boundaries are. This is creepy and weird at best and stalking at worst.

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